Common arena rigging applications:
Stage Rigging: A theatrical rigging system, also known as a fly system, is a dynamic and critical aspect of every theater. It is a simple method to raise and lower items using a series of pulleys and weights to balance the load in equilibrium. Television sets, live and taped sets.
Lighting Trusses: Rigging supports the installation of trusses that hold lighting fixtures to create the desired ambiance and effects for a performance.
Audio Systems: Rigging is used to hang speakers and other audio equipment to ensure optimal sound coverage and quality throughout the venue.
Video Screens and Projectors: For events using large video displays or projections, rigging ensures that these elements are secured above the audience for clear visibility.
Special Effects: This can include hanging platforms for performers, pyrotechnics, or any kinetic elements that are part of the show design.
Scenic Elements: Often, entire sets or scenic backdrops are suspended using rigging systems, particularly in theater or elaborate production environments.
Safety and Compliance: All rigging applications must adhere to strict safety standards and regulations to protect performers, staff, and the audience. This includes using certified equipment and trained professionals.
Temporary Structures: For events like trade shows or exhibitions, rigging may involve setting up temporary booths, banners, or other architectural elements.
Automation and Motorized Systems: Advanced rigging systems can include motorized elements that move equipment or scenery in sync with the event's progression, requiring precise control and programming.